Thursday, April 28, 2011

Take the Long Way Home

Early this morning I was driving back home after dropping Chris off at work and heard Roger's words in my head and after I went over the Valley Falls Bridge, I turned into the little hamlet and took the long way around to home instead of taking my usual route.

This song has always been one of my favorites, one whose words I know well, and one which applies to my life. All too frequently, we don't take the "long way home" and miss out on so many things we take for granted. Wife, mother, grandmother, full-time caregiver of an aging parent - my plate runneth over and there is little time for "me". I am grateful for music and for what it brings to my life.

Spring has long been my favorite season, the buds on the trees after a harsh winter and the birthing of new baby animals - horses, cows, goats, lambs - is so very beautiful and truly awesome. I know that word is so overused, awesome, but this truly is.

I will carry this song with me today. I know I am fortunate in being able to work each day at something I love and am passionate about. I hope that each of you will be able to take the long way home today too. ♥

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